RECA RMS Measurement Tech

Born in Bangladesh, raised in Abu Dhabi, with a background in engineering from India, Amitab ends up in Toronto to live out his childhood and young fascination of modern North American lifestyle and culture. By immersing himself in varied interests including; music, fashion, film & TV, food, cars, architecture, and photography, he continues to find things that inspire and amuse him everyday. 

After moving to Calgary seeking a more laid back environment to raise his family, and a 10 year stint in the corporate Audio Visual industry, Amitab pursued a career in the real estate media and measurements industry, while honing his portrait photography skills. With experience in measurements of over 2,300 residential properties, he can confidently say he knows a ‘thing or two’. 

When Amitab’s not busy trying to be a cool dad to his son and helping with his wife’s creative culinary pursuits, he loves lending his time to anyone who needs it.